Confession Thursday! It’s that time again… where I spill my people on the Web as well as one of you phone calls CPS on me for being a poor feline mommy (Cat security Services).
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Was ich an einem Tag esse – Runner Edition
Was ich an einem Tag gegessen habe. Essenstagebuch von einem Läufer, der derzeit nicht für einen Marathon oder einen Halbmarathon trainiert. Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen sowie Snacks plus Tipps.
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4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners
I am either healthy as Fck or eat 4 donuts as a ‘snack’. There is no such thing as moderation in my life.
Vegas wished to lick my plate after it was doused in Sriracha as well as I didn’t stop him.
“Let him learn.” – things Mexican moms say.
He wasn’t hacking in that second photo I just caught him licking his furry lil lips. He liked it! #MexiCat
Proof he still likes me:
Confession… I have done NO Christmas buying at all.
Super last minute I altered plans with a good friend since I had a “MUST have SUSHI OR I AM going to DIE’ kinda craving. The illumination in there was no bueno though…
The great news is – craving satisfied as well as I’m happy.
I saved this Costco sample for later. Is that a person step worse than taking food from a buffet?
I had the worst run yesterday as well as cut it a few miles short, however I did see this great flower so I have that going for me…
I didn’t want to take on going up in the attic so I just gotten a new area heater. I’m quite ecstatic to not be chilly anymore as well as got a little ceramic heater such as this which was relatively inexpensive.
This Bioaire heater is one more great choice for smaller areas as well as well as both are on sale. See, it’s on sale so it makes it okay, right??
Confession… that is the only confession I really feel the tiniest bit poor about.
Question: Don’t leave me out right here hanging – what do you have to confess?
Teilen ist Kümmern!
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